Last weekend, I came across a bag. A bag with socks in it. They were socks I had completely forgotten about, so I was very happy to have found them again. And when I took them out, I realized why they were there. Darn... Yes... holes and more holes... As is quite normal with socks, if they fit well and they look nice, you wear them a lot. And when you wear them, they wear as well. Resulting in holes. Unlike some people who get holes on the heels of the feet, which for me always stay nice, I get them under the ball of my feet and under my toes. Like this... See how this one has already had the darn treatment before? The part on the left (with the purple thread) has been darned, while the part on the right, under the 'new' hole, has been re-knit. I took up the stitches, and just knit an extra patch, picking up a stitch every row on the sides. The last row is then grafted in. Easy peasy. Here's the sock with the toe hole fixed and a small worn patch regrafted. It's bas...