The road to Aragorn

Was long. Quite long! I started Aragorn, when it was still called Sokkenpad, back in November, and now we're April! These socks were a case of 'I know I'm going to get into trouble but I'll continue anyway', as I knit them in gorgeous biological cotton from Storm op Zolder, gifted by her, and me and cotton don't really get along when it comes to socks. I love the feel, but they sag a lot quicker - mostly because I'm blessed with a pro-cyclist's calves, a high instep and narrow ankles - which is a killer combo for yarn that doesn't cling. And maybe the design worked against me too a bit. After finishing them and trying them on, I desided to operate on the heels, frog a few rows from the short-row heel and rekitchener the stitches.

But enough about the negatives! The design is gorgeous, the yarn is gorgeous - it's just me that's just a bit oddly shaped ;) So the blame squarely lies with me!
I started out with a new cast-on technique, then cabled like a fury with twisted stitches and then knit the instep on the front of the foot, which made it possible to split the cabled pattern and let it fall sideways to the ankles. Beautiful! And the combo with the yarn was great too, as cotton gives great stitch definition.
Thanks for the great design, Janneke. Looking forward to the next one of your socks I'll be knitting already. These will be for the big man, in darkgreen Trekking Hand-Art, so I'm thinking about Lau, a nice manly pattern. What do you think?


Herma said…
Erg, erg mooi!
MoniqueB. said…
Zo, over volhouden gesproken! Ze zijn prachtig. Lekker koel in de lente, die katoen!
Marijke said…
Beautiful pattern and it shows up really well in this lovely yarn.
liset said…
Wauw wat een geweldige sokken. Echt super super mooi! Dit ligt echt ver buiten mijn straatje van kunnen.. Superknap!

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