Fruits of our labour

After a few dreary days, this morning the sun decided to peep out from behind the clouds again. A perfect opportunity to show you some nice things in our garden... Huh, that ain't a plant... Correct! It's Hannah's new summer dress. Which I shamelessly copied from another dress she got recently. I liked the model, it was easy to make (ish) and literally got done in two nights. It's pink, it's a dress, it makes mommy very popular with 8-year-old girls. Always nice to get a smile on that wee face! And a wee mouse on the back... But really, lots of fruit (and veg) in the garden! After those two days of rain, the garden is exploding! (And so are the weeds, but that's a different story, we know what to do this weekend...) One of our cabbages... This is the savoy, I think... Also have a cauliflower and normal cabbage lurking around. As some kohlrabi, which is doing really well. The carrots are lagging behind a bit. They will get a talking to this weekend... And ...