Fruits of our labour

After a few dreary days, this morning the sun decided to peep out from behind the clouds again. A perfect opportunity to show you some nice things in our garden...
Huh, that ain't a plant...
Correct! It's Hannah's new summer dress. Which I shamelessly copied from another dress she got recently. I liked the model, it was easy to make (ish) and literally got done in two nights.
It's pink, it's a dress, it makes mommy very popular with 8-year-old girls. Always nice to get a smile on that wee face!
And a wee mouse on the back...

But really, lots of fruit (and veg) in the garden! After those two days of rain, the garden is exploding! (And so are the weeds, but that's a different story, we know what to do this weekend...)
One of our cabbages... This is the savoy, I think... Also have a cauliflower and normal cabbage lurking around. As some kohlrabi, which is doing really well. The carrots are lagging behind a bit. They will get a talking to this weekend...
And the flowers. Ah, my word... You'd just die when seeing the Weigela these days. It's at its peak, and soooo pretty! I'm cutting my two plants down a bit though, as they're threatening to take over the garden (front and back), which means there's little stems of light and dark pink blooms all over the house. This is my Astrantia, which I got as a seedling last year, with lots of little flower buds (can't wait!). I keep running out to the garden every morning to see how it's going.
Beetroot peeping out from in between the weeds... This area requires some thoughtful picking some day this week...
Calendula, one of the plants generously gifted by Tijm. As was this:
Red-veined sorrel. Yum! Together with the mixed salad which I'm growing, and some other nice things, that is going to be a treat these coming weeks!
This weekend it will be time to plant out some things, as my potted garden is almost taking up more space than our garden table and chairs together ;) We need space to move around!

Oh, and I am knitting. It's definitely less dangerous than sewing, what with the sharp pins and needles, but goes a bit more slowly. The big blanket is getting some extra blocks... I'll get it out for a nice photoshoot later this week! The girls at SnB were definitely impressed yesterday. Until Wereldwol took the Namaste bags that three girls had ordered out of her shopping bag. Low. Very low. Below the belt low.

Thinking about buying another one, am I....


I'm drooling over garden shots from other parts of the world these days...our seedlings are pushing against the window impatiently. The warm spring days are slow to arrive this year...almost time to build an ark! Everything is green but it's still too cold...blah! Can't WAIT to see beets peeping up through the the dress!
Jolanda said…
Prachtige jurk!
hannah said…
Wat een prachtige jurk.

Goed hè, dat alles gewoon blijft groeien en bloeien, ondanks het gebrek aan regen!
MoniqueB. said…
A little girl is very happy with her new dress; mommy is happy with her zuma, the garden is happy with all the rain so the veggies can grow...

One can always want something more... ;-)
yvonnep said…
Leuk jurkje en heerlijke tuinfoto's!

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