A experiment to dye for

For at least a year (probably longer) I've had some sachets of Landscape dyes lying about. Use them? Eh... No. I've wanted to a few times, got out the yarn I spun, got scared, put the yarn away again and pushed the dye sachets back into the drawer. But after seeing all those luscious colours of homespun yarn on Ravelry, the dyeing bug got the better of me. I got my spun yarn out and got to work... The undyed homespun yarn I slightly rinsed out the yarn again, and then it was time for magic: I put the kettle on with some dye and did some witchcraft... My best witchy recipe... Two pots on the stove with a lovely luscious aubergine soup (combination of Plum and Clematis)... I was pretty proud of myself having gotten this far! After half an hour of heating the yarn, (carefully) turning it over a few times, I started to get a bit panicky, because the dye didn't seem to 'catch'. After a quick chat with my Twitter yarnies, I realized I should have actually degreas...