From sheep to fleece

Some days you don't see any sheep, other days you're surrounded by them... Last weekend, we went camping with our new tent, quite close to home (an hour away) at a lovely nature campsite at Langedijke. In between the potato fields was a small field with high grass and some camping areas set out. We almost felt like we were in the south of France, it was that idyllic!
We looked out on to the sheep enclosure, where two black sheep were living the life of Riley. They obviously were used to people, because every time someone even walked along the fence, they would come up to you, in the hope you brougth them some nice food. Little scoundrels!
The weather on Sunday was glorious, and we had great fun at Doldersum, where there was a small sheep shearing fest. The shepherd took his time shearing the animals, doing only two and then taking a break to flex his (very brown) arms and wave his locks about, but in the mean time we could watch the sheepdog show off his tricks, felt a nice necklace, watch a young spinner in action and, finally, enjoy a performance by Harrie Harrewar. A great afternoon, all in all!
I decided to buy a fleece here, and as luck would have it, I ended up buying the one hubby took loads of whilst it was being shorn.
Right, who's next?
The shepherd in action with 'my' fleece...
All done!
And then it was bundled up into a plastic bag, stuffed into our boot with all our camping gear and brought home! It's a great way to support this lovely initiative...
And tomorrow, I'm going here... They are lucky with the weather today, apparently (while it has been gushing down here...), so I hope we will have a dry day visiting tomorrow!

In other news...
One of my pink socks is done. I've started on the second one, but in a very nice move Mermaid stood on my knitting bag and broke a bamboo needle. Yup, that is one of the drawbacks of wood. It can break... :(
I also finished Coachella. Hooray! Still need to upload some nice pictures to tinternets, but it is definitely sexy! I will mostly be wearing this in situations where I won't have to bend forward ;)
More on these two projects in a next post!

And I did a bit of crafting other than knitting... Mermaids teachers celebrated their birthdays last Friday, and to be slightly different (i.e. not give chocolates or shower gel...), I made something myself.
A cute little bird to hang on their key chain. Sweet, aren't they? I found the idea online somewhere, and it has definitely opened up a huge box of inspiration...
Another idea from the internet was this little fella...
It has found a home in Mermaid's bed and seems to be quite happy there!


Siem said…
Wat geweldig daar in Balloo, echt iets om te onthouden voor volgend jaar. Wat een leuke dingen komen er allemaal uit jouw handen geweldig en je sokken zijn prachtig.
Cute shearer!! Heehee. This gives me ideas about the future of our little farm...sheep shearing, live music, etc. M's teacher will LOVE that you didn't buy another mug or box of chocolates. Handmade is always best...unless it' a gift cert. to a bookstore or liquor store! Ha!
Ammerins said…
Hahaha, Stephanie, a gift certificate for a liquor store (I'll remember that one for Sam's teacher ;) )
And the shearer, hell yeah, cute! I totally see your hubby do this ;)
Jolanda said…
Oh, die walvis, wat een plaatje! Daar zou ik ook wel een beschuitje meer willen eten.

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