't Is the season...

To get some sewing done! First, there was the idea to make an advent calendar, with 24 little felt mittens. I started a week before advent, giving myself plenty of time until Xmas eve for the last one. It started out according to plan, but, like all the best-laid plans, this went horribly wrong. It was just way, way, way too addictive!!! Honestly, as soon as I had a pair done, I was cutting a new pair, and just ate, drank and slept colour-coordinated mittens. Sad really. But FUN! So, numbers 1 and 2 were quickly followed by numbers 3 and 4. And before I knew it... I was a third done. Wait. Hang on. Three more nights before December 1st? I can do this!!! All done!!! And now it's December 7 and the first 7 are up. Enjoying this immensely!!! Actually, I enjoyed that small-scale stuff so much, I got out the scraps from Jamieson's of Shetland and the sewing machine... and then this happened... Step 1... Try and fit your shell pieces onto scra...