't Is the season...

To get some sewing done!
First, there was the idea to make an advent calendar, with 24 little felt mittens. I started a week before advent, giving myself plenty of time until Xmas eve for the last one.

It started out according to plan, but, like all the best-laid plans, this went horribly wrong. It was just way, way, way too addictive!!! Honestly, as soon as I had a pair done, I was cutting a new pair, and just ate, drank and slept colour-coordinated mittens. Sad really. But FUN!

So, numbers 1 and 2 were quickly followed by numbers 3 and 4.

And before I knew it...

I was a third done.

Wait. Hang on. Three more nights before December 1st? I can do this!!!

All done!!!

And now it's December 7 and the first 7 are up. Enjoying this immensely!!!

Actually, I enjoyed that small-scale stuff so much, I got out the scraps from Jamieson's of Shetland and the sewing machine... and then this happened...

Step 1... Try and fit your shell pieces onto scraps of tweed... Skip steps 2, 3 and 4 of the quilting laws and just sew everything together. Oh, I did baste. That really helped. Decorate the shell with embroidery stitches.
Make a head, tail and legs.

Watch two old episodes of Silent Witness. You know, the ones you don't remember watching until right at the end when you realize whodunnit.

And then the next day, forget to wrap it up and see how the Xmas recipient kidnaps Theo. Who was rebaptized Garry. After Garry from Jamieson's. Of course.

Steal it off him again to take some daylight pictures. And then send these to Garry.

Unfortunately, the turtle is spoken for, but maybe - who knows - it will be making a trip back to where it was born...


Joyceloraine said…
I love your adventmittens! The colors, and all the different patterns, me like very much. And Garry is beautiful too! I totally understand he's kidnapped before you could wrap him into a piece of paper. I would've saved him too. One can't breathe in Christmas wrappings you know...
Unknown said…
enjoyed reading your blog! Great use of Shetland tweed.
Jolanda said…
*maakt een diepe buiging*
petra said…
wat schattig gemaakt allemaal! noflike kryst!!
Anonymous said…
Weet je wat ik hier opeens voor me ie? Mijn vaders platte petten. Mijn moeder heeft ze alledrie al jaren geleden weg gedaan. Maar misschien heeft iemand wel de petten van opa mee ge-erfd, jammer om weg te doen, maar wat moet je er mee. Op zo'n manier kun je, na ze als pet op de foto te hebben gezet, nog gebruiken, eventueel als schildpad deurstopper of kussen met poten.

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