Ready, set, go!

The start of the Tour de France also means the start of the Tour de Fleece. Lots of spinners on Ravelry try to make as many miles as they can while the cyclists are doing their best to win the yellow jersey. As I had such a blast last year, I'm joining again this year. I started off with carding some Bleu de Maine, from a fleece I bought last week at the Farm & Country Fair in Aalten, plus beehiving and plying of some yarn I finished spinning yesterday. It's part shocking pink (no idea whether it's man-made or natural fiber, it was part of a big bag full of different things) and part sari batt. Such fun to just mess about with it and turn it into something fun and cool! Combined with trying (and failing) to fix a bust bike tyre, I have to say this was a great first day!