A day out...

Sometimes you just deserve a day out... A day full of spinning with friends at a lovely big farm and garden fair, looking at the stands, tasting yummy foods, fondling and buying wool and yarn, stroke some sheep and goats... That kind of stuff...
And guess what, that was the day we had planned yesterday, at the Farm & Country Fair in Aalten.

And then the heavens opened... The weather was just atrocious all day. It just kept raining and raining and raining. All those poor people outside, the horse shows, the chicken dancing, the sheep competitions... :(

And even though I prepared, I had brought 2 right crocs instead of a pair.

And I left the umbrella in the car.

And I was wearing heels. New heels. Turquoise, totally the same colour as my nail polish, bag and shawl. Yes, I like to colour coordinate...

I made it to the wool tent. And there I stayed. Luckily, I could tick most of the boxes in the wool tent. There was spinning.
Not just of this fleece (Bleu de Maine, which I bought in the wool tent, still to be washed, as you can see...), but also lovely batts from Dutch Wool Diva, my fave yarn pimp. Oh, and from my crazy big bag of acrylics, with fluorescent yarn and Tupperware strips. Yep, I did it all, all for the sake of creating interest in spinning and getting more people to join the Landelijke Spingroep.

There was chatting with other spinners (and I didn't take any photos of that, me bad!). I saw some beautiful spindles and spinning wheels, didn't try any (way too dangerous, I'll just look, thank you, that's the cheapest option, haha)...

There were babies...
And although Woolly Elske had pockets big enough to smuggle it home, we didn't. We wanted to very badly though... We promised ourselves that once we buy that farmhouse we've got our sights on, we will. Or I will. And she'll just spin the locks.
The goats and sheep were all so cute, and so different! It was great to see some very special types up close.

There was wool as well. BFL, merino and sari silk... And yes, there was little chirp and sigh when I saw this in the basket at the stand...
This was spun up on site, and finished at home... Plus another little yummy batt with merino, silk, BFL and firestar...
And some silk hankies... That turned into a spider web as soon as I LOOKED at them. Lovely stuff though. Just remember NOT to do any gardening before spinning this ;)
Oh, and some yarn, pre-spun, ready to knit with...

I had a brilliant day, despite the weather. I was glad to get home though, because the gales and heavy winds continued until I got home. And especially when I've no reception on my phone, at all, that's not nice... Shame also about England... But hey, I got to spin during the game, the extra time and the penalty kicks (even though I was nearly falling asleep):
To be continued...

Next week, Orvelte!


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