Spindle tripping - Toch tollen op vakantie

Of course, I just had to stash the spindle into my craft bag... Guinness Froth is coming along nicely. I finished the back, front side panels and am working on the first sleeve. Knitting short rows for a sleeve head in a dimly lit tent, however, is not something I'd recommend. The spindle had fun watching the world pass by when we were on the Rhine, got a bit dizzy watching Mermaid going round and round in Moviepark Germany and enjoyed a few relaxed hours on the campsite and next to the pool. I also packed 4 extra (small) knitting projects. Which I didn't knit, but hey, it's better to bring too much than too little! In Mainz we passed a fun yarn shop. And no, not this one (grrrr, which I only find about now!) but this one . Also fun, but not very exciting. I did buy a few skeins of German yarn, of course! Natuurlijk moest de tol toch ook mee op vakantie... Guinness Froth schiet lekker op. Ik heb het rugpand en de zijpanelen klaar en ben nu aan de eerste mouw begon...