I've decided. I'm going to frog. I've had Hannah's cardigan on the needles for quite a while, but now definitely know I'm never going to finish it. Wrong yarn for wrong project. Ach well...
I'm now on the look-out for a nice new project. And because the weather is very inspirational in that respect, it might be something like this. A nice airy top for hot summer days. Even though it's only April, we've been promised quite a summer... And maybe I'll crochet her one of these. Choices, choices...
And I've also decided to make a baby blanket for my friend D. She's due in October, so I should have enough time to find a pattern, find the right wool and finish it... :-) Any suggestions welcome! I've looked at the one she just finished, but something like this, or this is also nice. And if I feel really generous, I'll just fill her whole 10 Day Box with homemade goodies, like baby socks, a wee hat, a babygro with embroidered name, you name it...
I'm now on the look-out for a nice new project. And because the weather is very inspirational in that respect, it might be something like this. A nice airy top for hot summer days. Even though it's only April, we've been promised quite a summer... And maybe I'll crochet her one of these. Choices, choices...
And I've also decided to make a baby blanket for my friend D. She's due in October, so I should have enough time to find a pattern, find the right wool and finish it... :-) Any suggestions welcome! I've looked at the one she just finished, but something like this, or this is also nice. And if I feel really generous, I'll just fill her whole 10 Day Box with homemade goodies, like baby socks, a wee hat, a babygro with embroidered name, you name it...