

Just had to get it out of my system...

I've been editing a translation book on painting for the last two, no actually three, days now, and it's doing my nut in. It was supposed to be a one-day job, but as I have to make so many corrections, I've been glued to my seat and red pen for days... I'm neglecting all my favorite things, like knitting in front of the telly, and can't do what I was supposed to do: lengthen baby S's sleeping bags and adding straps (he's a roll-over these days...), knit big S's second sock, finish off wee H's cardigan and then START SOMETHING NICE FOR ME.


Good thing is, I got loads and loads of money for my birthday (which was on Saturday, but for some reason, Blogger still called it Friday...), so we're off to IKEA tomorrow to buy a suitable solution for our hallway, which is too cluttered and not nice at the moment. I want a 263 m high cupboard, but big S commented that we were never ever going to fit that in the car with the two kiddies in the back. And he's right. However it pains me to say that... And it pains... (hihi...).
So, we're off to Groningen tomorrow morning frighteningly early :-), so we can be back in time for Hannah's swimming lesson. And then my neighbour is coming round for coffee, and some good gossip... Boy, once we start...

Good, back to the editing... I guestimate to be ready in an hour's time. All I can say is this: get the chocolates out and put your head down...


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