WIPS and FIPS...

Hooray, finally managed to get some piccies off the camera... Here my first Traveler's stocking. The colour is quite lurid, I have to agree, but then again, you do want socks like these to make an impression. Or not? I have now knitted past the heel, and have a little bit more to go... When I will start sock 2 I don't know. I want to do something else first...

I know, my calves are huge... I cycle a lot...
That's my excuse...

Here is Isabella... I'm already bored with it... Will probably stay a WIP for a while... Nice cotton, nice colour, but all stockinette!!! Boring...
Maybe I'll knit the front first, with the V-neck...

Not one of my WIPs, but worth a mention. This is wat I got from wee H on Mother's Day... Cute hey... It's been baked in the oven now, so it's dishwasher proof!

The Gentleman's Socks for big S. They photograph terribly, look even worse, but are lovely on the foot...

And look at this! I can crochet! Well, it's my first attempt. Still loads of improvements possible. Next time some different colours and not forget to put a bell INside it. Plus no beads, to make it a bit more baby-friendly...


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