Are you frogging mad?

Oh my, the inspiration has totally left me... I was nearly finished with the first Traveler's stocking, but it is too long for my liking (because of the long cuff), and I think the colour suits a plain short stockinette sock a lot better...
AND I've frogged the soaker I'd started... It was too thin, so I'm now knitting it with a double thread. Much better... I also bought new circular needles, cause I DO PASSIONATELY hate knitting with 4 or 5 needles. I know I can, but I just don't like it. Too messy, too much chance of losing a needle whenever you put it down quickly to do something. Too many sharp points, auch...

BUT, on the other hand!!! I've joined a magic sock ball exchange, yippeee... I've planned an outing to Sneek, because, be honest, Leeuwarden does lack a good, well-stocked LYS... I do love the people at Pietronella, but it is a bit depressing walking in there. And why so much acrylic yarn and so little wool? And the only wool they have is grey or only suitable for old grandad socks... I would have been very happy if they would have sold more plain wool, preferably also a bit thicker, so I could dye it myself, but even that is not available... So, it's off to Devo next week (why don't they have proper web site??? Better bring some business cards :-) ), with a HUGE wish list... Not only for my magic sock ball buddy, but also for the baby shower gifts I'm planning. I'd better start going through my patterns and make a decision on what I'm going to make!


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