How being fickle can make you happy!

I looked at my Traveler's stocking last night and couldn't do it. I couldn't frog it... So, I knitted on and finished it! And... I'm really happy with it! Strange how a (bad) night's sleep and another fresh look at it can change your mind... I have a finished sock to show the SnB group tonight (yeah!!!) and, as I promised myself, I did start a new sock, I'm going to try the Wolhalla pattern with small heel this time. In a nice pastelly colour combo from ONline.
What I did like about the TS was the different toe. Not sure if I'm going to use it often, but it saves me Kitchener stitching it all together. Not that I mind, but the less grafting, the better!
All my yarn and WIPs have been stuffed in my new knitting bag *proud*, so I'm ready to go... Cafe Wolters, here I come!!!


Tijm said…
Leuk dat je er was!! Kom je vaker??

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