Progress on the Magic Sock!

I haven't posted on the Magic Sock yet, shame shame shame on me! It just has been extremely hectic, but now that I've handed in my latest translation project (and the invoice, gnagnagna...), I've given myself a WHOLE DAY OFF! Needed it too, feel sh***, very tired, bit of a headache, sore back, all added to my monthlies... Ach well, who said georgeous girls never have an off day ;-)

Anyways, time to put some piccies up of the magic sock ball swap! Hooray!

The package arrived last week and as soon as we (me and wee H) unpacked it, the yarn was confiscated by her and she decided she wanted kneehighs! "Net als 'Pipi Langkous', mama!"
It all came in a beautiful self-made bag (which I'm now using to store the project in, super handy!), and there was a bag of 'salmiak drop' (O, my, you English/American knitters, I wish we had smelly/tasty computers... yumyumyum!!!).

Besides the colourful sock yarn, I also received two little mini balls of yarn, which the sender dyed herself. These are going to become socks for baby S, as soon as these are finished!
I have to admit that the candy did not last very long after this picture... Luckily, my sender had put a few in the sock ball as well, which was a nice surprise...

See that bit of plastic in the ball? That's where I poked them out ;-) I also found two nice ribbons, a blue one and a pink gingham one... Great for one of my next projects, which is going to be a boho-skirt for wee H...

And on we knitted! Yesterday, I turned the heel and found... lovely blue stitch markers! This means I now officially am the owner of two nice sets, yeah! I'm always planning on making my own, but for some reason, it hasn't happened yet...

I'm going to measure up wee H's feet in a mo, and then hopefully finish the first sock today. I can already see a few more surprises... My o my, this is sure one way om making me knit fast!


Tijm said…
Wat leuk allemaal!!! Ziet er prachtig uit.
Jij nu lekker uitrusten na je grote project!
Enne........kom je volgende week woensdag ook weer??
Alice said…
Now I see, those will be kneehighs for your DD! The answer to my question on another blog ;). Very pretty colours and one can never have too much stitch markers.

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