Mystery stole, part I

I've started swatching, yes... How exciting! I decided, after a cup of coffee and a chat with Renske and some fondling of wool :-), not to go for laceweight, but to make a stole with a bit more 'bite' from black cotton viscose by Drops. Georgeous, shiny, jummy! Unfortunately, baby S had a fever yesterday and his teeth were really bothering him, so instead of finishing my swatch, I sat on the sofa cuddling a baby (which is also nice...), watching more babies being born on the BBC's 'Fight for life'. Fascinating! Then you realise all the things that can go wrong at birth, brrr...
Sam is fine now, this afternoon we're going to the baby centre to have him weighed and measured (and he's getting a shot as well, I think...) and then it's off to get the proper beads for the stole. I now know which ones I want, so we should be able to find them...
Wish me luck! Piccies on later...


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