Mystery stole, part II

On the way back from the bead store, having bought two tubes of beads cause I couldn't make up my mind, I decided not to use any beads. I realised that my yarn is very probably (no, surely!) too thick to put beads on, but hey, they are nice beads and I can always do something creative with them. I might still change my mind, I'll see tomorrow if I can actually feed them onto the yarn (that tip about binliner ties, good one!).
Busy though tomorrow (accountant is coming to visit, hooray), and I'm also busy brainstorming about the IPT book with my friend C.W. And of course, I need to work, and look after two kids (hopefully the weather will be nice again, I'm all for that playing outside thing). And do the house work... But somewhere between half 10 and half 11, I should be able to squeeze some knitting in ;-)))


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