Drumroll pleaze...

RAVELRY, the story so far:

You signed up on June 18, 2007.
You are #9791 on the list.
717 people are ahead of you in line.
16147 people are behind you in line.
34% of the list has been invited so far.

When will my invite arrive? I'm waaaaaaiiiiittttttingggggggggggggggggggg....


Tijm said…
Help. Ik ben nu wel door en ben lid maar door mijn slechte engels weet ik niet goed wat ik er mee kan. Kun je me wat helpen?
Alice said…
I looked up my position a week ago, I had at the time 592 people ahead. I got the invitation this morning. So lets say... about week for you? I saw somewehere (not sure where) they are currently inviting about 1200 people a week.

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