Getting closer...

You signed up on June 18, 2007.
You are #9791 on the list.
567 people are ahead of you in line.
16451 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far.

:-) Since yesterday, 150 people got added to Ravelry. According to my calculations, I should have my Ravelry invite by the end of the week. Unless they invite 150 people once a week on Friday, or once a month... Aaaarghhh! This obsession is getting the better of me. As if I've not got enough blogs, lists of blogs to read, things to do... Better do something else for a change, like cook for my family :-) Easy today, Heinz beans, eggs and nice cutlets, yum.

I have also decided that tonight is a diaper making night, so hopefully some nice piccies of cutesies to show you tomorrow... I got some necessities for making diaper covers as well, so we'll see how productive I am after baby S has gone to bed. I already noticed that not having wee H for a few days (she's off gallivanting with her granny) has greatly increased my free time... And Monday she's back to school, so hopefully I can get some WORK done during the day, to leave time to knit, scrap, crochet and sew in the evenings :-)))


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