Mystery stole, part VI

The stole is coming along nicely, I'm halfway clue 5, so up to speed! I did have a bit of bother last week though, which saw me frogging back a looooong way!

After last Wednesday's SnB, I noticed that if I finished clue 4 and then start on the wing, my stole would already be tickling my toes. Now, long stoles are nice, but THAT long? I.e. I took out the bit Melanie indicated could be taken out to shorten the stole, and then went on with clue 5. It did mean that I was up half the night (until 2 AM, yawn) on Thursday because I wanted it done before clue 5 came out... (sad, I know). As soon as I've finished the wing, I'll take a picture of my stole!

At the SnB we decided on our project for the SnB day in November. We're going to knit these:

Nice... We'll start after the next meeting, when everyone has a pattern and decided on colour yarn etc... Can you see us all sitting in the train, knitting with these? Tick tick tick tick...


Jolanda said…
Ik zie ons al zitten. Een coupé vol met gebreide handschoentjes. En de conducteur maar denken: deja vú.
Tijm said…
Dapper omhem zo'n stuk uit te halen!!
Leuk hé die handschoentjes. Ik heb daar echt zin in.

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