Acorns and ballerinas

I got my yarn for my Acorn fingerless mitts today... Wow. Bright. Cerise. Bright. Very bright. Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!
But the beads I have, don't look nice on it, so I have a great excuse to venture into town today (despite my cold, hatsjoe!) to get some colourless glass beads. I think that is the best option, because when I held the shiny silver ones against it, big S asked me when I had my date with Madonna :-S
Okay, say no moah...

I'm also making this as a present for wee J from next door, who will turn 2 next week. I saw it on the newsletter from De Hobbydoos and fell in love straight away. So, this weekend will look a bit like this:

* wake up at 5 AM
* knit Acorn mitts for 1 hour
* knit KDDB socks for 1 hour
* have breakfast with the kids
* play a bit
* have a big cup of coffee
* clean the new windows and doors
* clean the kids rooms
* get baby S to bed and wee H into the garden to play
* sit down with another cup of coffee and crochet Ballerina until baby S wakes up
* have lunch
* work in the garden (oooo, lots of weeds :-S)
* get baby S to bed and wee H at the table playing with her fairy playmobil
* knit Acorn mitts for 1 hour
* knit KDDB socks for 1 hour (so that sock 1 is finished)
* go for a walk with the kids
* make dinner (take-away?)
* kids in bath and to bed
* sit down in front of the tele and alternate my three projects

Okay, maybe a bit too specific, but you get the drift ;-) The waking up at 5 AM bit is definitely not feasible, haha...


Tijm said…
Meid, ik word er plaatsvervangend moe van!!!!!!
Anders eerst het kado maken en dan pas de handschoenen?? DIe hoeven over 2 maanden pas af.
Jolanda said…
Waarom heeft een dag maar 24 uur en waarom hebben wij slaap nodig?

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