Another stole?

Yes, I've succumbed again... I so enjoyed knitting the Mystery Stole, that I've joined the Secret of the Stole group on Yahoo for another KAL. This time it will be a soft pink (o no, not pink AGAIN...) stole, hopefully with beads (as I now know where to get them...). So that makes my autumn/winter programme as follows:

Sept 30 - finished: Mitten Exchange
Oct 5 - Nov 23: Secret of the stole
Oct 14 - RIP: Sock Wars

I've also got orders outstanding for some kiddy and baby mitts, scarves and hats. Guess that's going to keep me busy for a while... :-)

My KDDB socks are nearly done. Bit busy with work these days, so not a lot of knitting time (grrr)...


Jolanda said…
He, like I said, pink is the new black. Heb je al eens geprobeerd (voor kralen).
Ammerins said…
Dank! Ik zie de kraaltjes al die ik nodig heb... Moet alleen nog even kijken hoeveel graaltjes er in 5 gram zitten, en dan even rekenen...
Tijm said…
Wat is jou geheim??
Heb jij soms 30 uren in een etmaal??
Ammerins said…
I wish... hihi... Nee hoor, goede planning! Heeeeel hard werken tot 10 uur en dan breien tot in de late uurtjes...
En in het weekend lekker de hele avond en als ik overdag genoeg heb gedaan ook. (huishouden lekker overlaten aan manlief, hihi...)
MoniqueB. said…
If pink does it for you, it does! Just keep on knitting it, if it wasn't the right colour you wouldn't make it!
I'm off the KAL's at the moment, still alot to do.
I wish you luck, but remember:
I'm a warrior too.....
I just joined in as well, I'm probably gonna regret it...

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