Pink terrors...

I promise I will knit my next project in another colour than pink. Have to admit it does not photograph very well :-P, but it does brighten up my blog... These are my Acorn mitts after a gentle spray and pulling straight. I hope to have finished my scarf this weekend so I can sew these little ones up...

And the bane of all knitters, a spiralling scarf. What do you get when you cast on 200 stitches, double those, double those again and then double those again? Right, way to many stitches. It takes for-e-ver to finish a row. Luckily there's only a few more rows to go and the next one or the next one after the next one and the next one will get some beads...
Be patient, I know I am... And so are my KDDB socks. I know babies, you're next to get finished!


MoniqueB. said…
HĂ©, that sounds like my pinwheel.... It took me most of an hour to bind off!

The Pinky's look great!
The edges of my cardigan with kidsilk haze, by the time I had to cast off I was at 1103 stitches. pfff...

Are you sure you are using the same Cherise Vivaldi as I am??
Tijm said…
Tadada Dum te Dum.........
(intro van de Pink Panter)
Ben benieuwd hoe ze staan.
Ammerins said…
Oops, I apologize for using this title on this date... No pun intended...

Angelic: it is quite pink, isn't it? I'll have a look at the label later, I hid it somewhere in a drawer... hmmm...

Monique: remind me then to NEVER knit a pinwheel, haha... It does look super cute though! If your daugher doesn't want to wear it, I'm sure my Mrs Fluffy would love it! Big fan of pink she is...

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