Reality bites back
Today started with some bad news. After a struggle with cancer, my friend Daniella's mother passed away this morning. It made me very angry, cause it is always such an unfair way to go. Luckily they all spent the last week of her life together and everyone important to Sietske was there.
It made me just want to break stuff and throw things away. Actually quite a good thing as we had to clean up our and the kids' rooms today. We only really got our own room and baby S's room done, but I did manage to sneakily fill our wheely bin with loads of toys wee H never plays with, baby S will never play with and which are not fit for recycling. We also rearranged their wardrobes, exchanging summer for winter clothes and in baby S's case, dividing up all the usuable clothes over 4 boxes for various friends and their kiddies. Turns out that including what I got this week, he has enough clothes to get him through the winter.
On the knitting front, I finished my first Acorn. They're bright. I warned you... I did make the back of the mitt a bit shorter, cause the Vivaldi I am using is a bit more stretchy than the Parisienne given in the pattern. I got the beads from the V&D, after a tip-off by Tijm. Plus I've beads left for the Mimosa, which I'll be knitting from left-over yarn. I guess I don't even have to wear all black to make sure I get noticed...
I wanted to get started on the Ballerina, until I noticed that I have all crochet hooks in my drawer imaginable, apart from the ones I need. Bummer. Unfortunately my local 'dealer' and I did not manage to exchange goods this weekend, so I'll have to be quick to get it done in time...
Right, back to knitting. Feel like socks tonight...
O yeah, loads of work accomplished otherwise as well... This is our garden at the moment...

And here are our new windows. Notice the lovely letterbox and doorbell, expertly installed by moi. Ding-dong... I can notice from this picture our house number is illegible. Bronze on stone, not good. We're getting white stickers to add the number to the letterbox, better! And please ignore the green stuff that I was supposed to pull out of the garden yesterday and the immensely long branches of our mini-tree. Can't have it all...
It made me just want to break stuff and throw things away. Actually quite a good thing as we had to clean up our and the kids' rooms today. We only really got our own room and baby S's room done, but I did manage to sneakily fill our wheely bin with loads of toys wee H never plays with, baby S will never play with and which are not fit for recycling. We also rearranged their wardrobes, exchanging summer for winter clothes and in baby S's case, dividing up all the usuable clothes over 4 boxes for various friends and their kiddies. Turns out that including what I got this week, he has enough clothes to get him through the winter.
I wanted to get started on the Ballerina, until I noticed that I have all crochet hooks in my drawer imaginable, apart from the ones I need. Bummer. Unfortunately my local 'dealer' and I did not manage to exchange goods this weekend, so I'll have to be quick to get it done in time...
Right, back to knitting. Feel like socks tonight...
And here are our new windows. Notice the lovely letterbox and doorbell, expertly installed by moi. Ding-dong... I can notice from this picture our house number is illegible. Bronze on stone, not good. We're getting white stickers to add the number to the letterbox, better! And please ignore the green stuff that I was supposed to pull out of the garden yesterday and the immensely long branches of our mini-tree. Can't have it all...