
Oooooo, I saw some lovely stuff on the market in Groningen! Why does that yarn guy not come to Leeuwarden!??!!!???!!! I managed to contain myself though, as I've got enough projects on my hands and although my mitten exchange pal is up for anything, I do want to have a 'chat' with her about her wishes...

So, no yarn, but the toe-ups are coming on. And *sorry* yes, they are pink... They're for wee H and I'm making then out of what was left of my own pink socks... Hopefully a piccie later...

Knitting makes train journeys so much faster! The hour there and 40 mins back flew by. I did do some teeth grinding, because I was caught at the train crossing in front of the red light (Schrans) for SIX minutes, which meant I missed TWO trains to Groningen, grrrr. I had already expected to miss the first one, but then when we moved up in the queue, we got a red light again just when we got to the front, so had to wait again, and then the crossing closed again, grrrrr... And on the way back, I'd just missed my connecting bus home, which meant I had to wait for 25 mins. Oh well, good for the soul...

Bought loadsa clothes, new boots, pressies for Baby S's 1st BD. Today wee H is getting new boots and we're getting S his trike (the BIG present). My poor bank account...


MoniqueB. said…
Balen dat je zo lang moest wachten. Niet leuk, en al helemaal niet omdat het eigenlijk van je shoptijd afgaat....
Misschien kan je beter Pink knittin' kitten genoemd worden. Zeg het nou maar, het IS je kleur.
Jolanda said…
Wanneer kom je uit de roze kast?
Ik heb even in het profiel van je mitten pal gekeken, wow die maakt mooie dingen (no pressure).

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