Sorry, more pink :-)

Yeah, my first KDDB sock is done! Here it is... Tadaaaaaa... Very pleased with the result, and I guess the second sock will go super fast. Stupid thing is I should have knitted two socks at the same time, cause it took me for-e-ver to find the right spot to cast on for the second sock. Ach, well, live and learn...

Nice to finish the sock last night after a difficult day with the funeral. But we all got through it and it was good.

Right, back to work!


Marion said…
Nice.. very nice! :D
MoniqueB. said…
OH, wat is ie mooi geworden. Prachtige kleur zeg. Dan maar weer roze, als ze zo mooi zijn, past hij meteen bij de rest!
Veel succes met nr. 2!
Jolanda said…
He, roze is het nieuwe zwart
Nice colours and Jolanda is right about pink, I read it somewhere last week!

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