Stash it!

While hubby is watching a concert by H (Marillion) on Second Life (yeah... I know... weird...), I decided to make myself some cafe choco, slice off some filled speculaas (Dutch winter delicacy, yum yum), and take some photos of my newly acquired stash. It's becoming quite a 'stash', and I've confiscated the shoe trunk for all my stuff, as just the drawers I got two months ago aren't big enough anymore :-)
I got some cool yarn for the Sock Wars (yes!!! Ammo in da house!), some yarn for boy scarves and hats (which I should really get started on, but the weather is still too nice...), and some softies for winter stuff for wee H.

The reason I went to the LYS 'P', was to get yarn for the mitten exchange. Guess what I forgot to buy. I know. Disgraceful... This means I'll have to go back some time this week to get it anyway. The LYS 'P' is closing down, and I've only a few more weeks... It looks quite impressive this mountain of wool in front of my PC... I added them to my Stash list on Ravelry as well. Guess I'm weird too ;-)

O yeah, and here a quick look at my pink mittens. A better picture and a piccie of the Mimosa will follow soon. I'm not very good at juggling a camera between my chin and boobs...:


Tijm said…
Dear, o Dear,
Wat weer een mooi goed allemaal!
En je wantjes staan erg erg leuk!
Coole wantjes, wie zei dat thuiswerken niet hip was!
MoniqueB. said…
He, het is niet allemaal roze! hahahaa.
NOu, jij komt zo te zien de winter wel door. Ik heb net ook van alles gekocht in de aanbieding, dus mijn breibox zit tot de rand toe vol...
Jolanda said…
Wat een fantastische verzameling en die wantjes... Die zijn supercool!

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