
And here she is, our prima Ballerina, called 'Willemijntje'. She still has to get matching eyes (oops, it was a bit dark, so I gave her one blue eye and one brown eye, haha), but she'll be the perfect gift for Joshja from next door, who's turning 2 on Saturday!

And here the problem with my vintage sock... Somewhere in the middle I have to move stitches from the 'back' of the needle to the 'front, which of course is impossible without moving part of them to a second needle. I'll dig out a few dpns tonight and sort the problem.... As you can see, I'm just knitting them with plain green Fortissima Socka...

I also recovered some lost 'stash'. I just knew I had bought some more wool, but just couldn't find it anywhere and while clearing out the cupboard under the stairs and moving all my sewing stuff around, guess what I found... :-)))

In the meantime I've hung all the curtains up in the house (as if the builders hadn't finished over a MONTH ago, haha...), apart from in the kitchen, as I wasn't happy with the way those turned out and I'm either going to hang some organza or I'm going to knit those amazing curtains I saw in a magazine (Rowan 42, I think it was) at a SnB many moons ago...


Wendy said…
The ballerina is lovely! I've just recently learnt to crochet and got fascinated with making amigurumi and toys. Making a monkey at the moment for my "boy" ie my husband
MoniqueB. said…
Wat een toffe ballerina zeg. Da's nog een heel werk geweest. Daar is J. vast heel blij mee.
Ik heb nog steeds niet in de gaten hoe 2 sokken op een rondbreipen werkt, voor Sockwars dat uitproberen heeft geen zin meer.
Ben je er al klaar voor?
Jolanda said…
Wat een fantastische kleur groen!

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