Wounded warrior...

And of course, disaster struck a few hours after Sock Wars started... Wee S had already been suffering from a 'bit' of a stomach bug, and managed to infect all of us. All - of - us. So the entire Moss family was out for the count almost the entire weekend, I didn't even want to knit... With the few bits of energy left I did manage to finish sock 1 last night and I now feel much better, so I'm going to quickly continue with nr. 2. Unfortunately, my assassin lives 'down the road' (i.e. in the same country, and I'm dreading the knock on the door later today when the postman is going to bring me my socks...). Jose, I hope you found out my address, haha... You weren't really expecting me to hand it to you on a silver platter, did you now... ;-)

Shugahface: this is what you'll be getting sometime soon... I'm knitting these beauties in Steinbach Wolle, type Eroica, 45% wool, 55% polyacryl. It's a mix of pink, purple and charcoal grey, a bit darker than on the picture. The pattern comes out really nice. It's super quick to knit. I am SO switching to DK weight :-))). I bet my better half will like these type of socks as well, so I'm going to get some more of it and knit him some... in size 46! Luckily my victim is the same size as me, and I've tried them on, perfect fit!

And a little close-up. You can see the 'scar' pattern on them better here... And, o yeah, can you see the slightly bent needle in the top picture??? The first real victim of this war...


Tijm said…
Wat rot voor je:een versperring op de weg naar victory.
Gelukkig nu weer wat beter.
Ze worden geweldig mooi!
Waar haal je toch de energie vandaan om zo snel te breien en al het andere ook door te laten gaan. Ik word plaatsvervangend zenuwachtig.
Jolanda said…
Spannend, een kijkje op het slagveld. Love is a battlefield, no...knitting!

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