Finally gave in

Yesterday I finally decided something needed to change. As some people had already noticed lately, all I was doing was knit, scrap, crochet and read knitting-related blogs, and that not a lot of 'work' was being done. Along with some other things, I was starting to show signs of burn-out. To totally prevent that happening, me and big S had a chat and decided that he will have to take over a bit more of the child-care and that I am moving my 'office' from the kitchen table to the attic. Today he has moved a little desk and chair up there and rearranged an entire set of shelves to make room for my stuff. I hope to now finally find the peace and quiet I need to concentrate on work instead of having to pull wee S out of drawers, from chairs and sofas and out of the curtains all the time. As I am the main breadwinner, something had to be done to keep me from losing my sanity and us from losing our house (slightly overreacted, but the first one was close to happening).

On a happier note, my green sweater is getting along great. I'm only allowed to knit on it when we're watching Lost (we got season 2 on loan), and after 12 episodes I had finished the front of the sweater (it is quite long). I decided not to bind off any stitches, but to put them all on waste yarn, so I can kitchener the two bits together and then later do some magic with the sleeves as well. As usual, I already have the project finished in my head ;)

As big S is out today, no Lost, so I'm going to try and do some work on my mittens for the exchange, which have been lying in my bag until I got some inspiration to finish them. I did make some nice stitch markers for my pal, hope she likes them. I made some for the recipient of my Magic Sock Ball as well, and it's all wrapped up and ready to be sent off tomorrow.

Oh, totally forgot! Yesterday, we all went to the Hobbybeurs (Craft Fair) in Leeuwarden and it was great! I hadn't expected a lot, but it had dramatically improved compaired to two years ago when I went. As I now had a mission ;), it was a lot easier to also enjoy the stands I wanted to visit. A great wee stand was Scrapitz (new shop in Drachten with, you guessed it, scrap things). I bought loads of backgrounds there. I also got buttons from Grootmoeders Knopendoos, and beads from several stands to make stitch markers out of. It was my first attempt at them, and I have to say: addictive! Yep, I needed another hobby (not)...

This morning I finished the second page of wee S's scrap album. I took some pictures, but with the lighting and all not being too brilliant, I have to admit they can look a lot better. I'll try again tomorrow during the daytime, but because I'm a bit text heavy, here they come!

The ultrasounds at 20 weeks, when we found out our wee Kermit was going to be a boy!

And some of the last pictures pre-birth, with a cut-out from the card my sister sent me to wish me good luck. Yep, that's me with my laptop on the maternity bed in the baby room... and wee H pulling weird faces, as usual ;)

You can click on them for close-ups!


Tijm said…
Wat goed van je!! De boel op tijd evalueren en daar conclusies uit trekken en gelijk doorvoeren!!
Hoop dat je rustig kunt werken op zolder en dat je je rust op andere fronten ook hervindt!
MoniqueB. said…
Heel begrijpelijk dat je (eindelijk, waarom niet eerder aan gedacht???) nu een eigen plekje krijgt in huis.
Ik heb nu veel tijd omdat de kinders allemaal naar school zijn, toen ik mijn cursus deed kwam ik er alleen 's avonds maar aan toe.
Fijn dat S. mee denkt en helpt. Nu kan je het misschien beter doseren en zitten er geen kleine lieve handjes aan je werk.
Veel suxxes en veel meer rust voor jou!
Jolanda said…
Dapper besluit! In rust kunnen prachtige dingen ontstaan

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