First mitten done

Unbelievable, what a few presents, hidden in a ball of wool can do to your determination to finish something. The first mitten is done! I'm quite proud of it, and after a few fiddles here and there it fits like a glove ;) This picture is with the flap...
...and without. I still have to find some cool buttons, preferably safari ones, maybe little giraffes (?) to secure the flap to my wrist whenever not in use. The second mitten has already been started!
I got a question from someone what a nut baby was. Hmm, just what I called this. It's a small dangle for my phone or keyring consisting of a 'nut' with a 'baby' in it. No other way to describe it really, but really cute... ;)
Here's another one I whipped up yesterday, a cover for an MP3 player. I thought it was the one we bought for my BIL for Sinterklaas, but it turned out to my big S's old one. Haha... So, tonight I'll knit another one. Quick and easy, 20 stitches in the round, 2K2P, making a bit of a zigzag with a flap and a button. Easy peasy.
And my frame of mind last night (glass of wine, brie, candles...), all quiet on the Western front, despite two teething alarms (darn molars) in the evening and again during the night (yawn...). Off to the swimming pool now!


Judith said…
En een strijkplank op de achtergrond? ;o)

Aha, zo'n nutbaby heb ik wel eens in handen gehad. Ik had hem (of haar) alleen niet herkend. Schattig inderdaad.

Ammerins said…
haha, was je die ook al opgevallen? Ik had de strijk al gedaan, voor het geval mensen dachten dat ik me eerst moed moest indrinken, haha... Strijken doe ik op dinsdag en/of zaterdag, tijdens het kijken naar Casualty/Holby City... ;)
MoniqueB. said…
Zo he! Die gingen snel en wat zijn ze goed gelukt! Hartstikke mooi. Nou gauw door breien, want het is nu koud genoeg om ze metéén te gebruiken!

Holby city zap ik altijd voorbij..hahahaha.
Annita said…
Prachtig, die glittens!!
Jolanda said…
Nuttige met het aangename combineren.
De wanten zijn supergoed gelukt.

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