Magic Ball

Yeah, it arrived! My Magic Ball! It was a whole lodda Autumn goodness. Just the colour I wanted, thank you! When I unwrapped the package, two little dino's (sorry, already confiscated by the child-police, so not in the picture, a note book and a self-made bag (made out of table plastic, I sooo still have a cool project in mind for that stuff, comparable to Kitsch Kitchen, like their bike saddle cover) fell out. I started knitting right after dinner and made a start with the flap mittens I had promised myself.

I had already printed out the pattern from the Wolhalla site and after some calculations it was knit, knit, knit. Despite some destractions from poking little fingers, I'm now at this stage. I also found a little light, some face lotion and shower gel and a little purse with a nut baby in it. Plus chocolates, but these died a soft, warm death IN MY BELLY (Scottish Austin Powers accent please). Wee H made a few knots in the yarn while trying to poke even more out, so I had to rewind a bit, but we're on schedule again, now. Girl and boy to bed, so time for mommy to upload some piccies and this funny video and then back to knitting!


MoniqueB. said…
Oh, wat een héérlijk kind heb je! Wat een schAtje. Zo lief.
Ik vind het ook zo leuk met haar stemmetje, klinkt nog zo klein.
Alice said…
Found so many goodies yet! Lovely ball and colours. Great idea to knit those flap mittens this time of year.
Oh wat een leuk filmpje, hoe vindt Hannah het zelf om zo op internet te staan?
Jolanda said…
Kerst valt vroeg dit jaar. Wat prachtige cadeaus!

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