Molar challenge
I can't remember wee H having so much trouble with her molars, but maybe I've repressed it. Wee S is an absolute terror. He screams, cries, throws his toys around the room and is, generally, very angry. At me. At his dad. At his sister. At the chair. At his food. At his mouth. At his bum because it hurts so much because of his teeth. At the potty. At everything. So now, he is back in bed for a morning nap with bungella on his gums and a kiss from mommy. And all is well.
As I was thrown off course workwise as a result, I decided to make a few pictures of what I have been working on since Saturday, the sideways sock, designed by Yvon. Or, as she said it, a product of her warped brain ;) Here a piccie of all of us intently listening to Yvon and making our measurements and calculations.

I wish I had hair like her, apparently it weighs 3 kilos. Sigh.
Luckily my brain is as warped as hers, so I took on the challenge to finish them as soon as I could. I'm now halfway and it looks a bit on the big side, but we'll see how it turns out when it is done. Alterations can always be made, frogging is part of life...

A bit dark, but this is the bottom of the sock. As it is knit sideways, you continuously knit U-shape rows from cuff to cuff over the toe. In the meantime, the toe is increased and the heel decreased. From this point on, the toe will be decreased again and the heel left alone.

The toe, nice and round.

And the sock doubled over to show the decreases in the heel. It took a swatch and quite a few calculations to get to this point. I told you, a warped brain ;)
No pictures of my purchases at the SnB day yet, because I decided to use one in the Magic Sock Ball Swap and the other one may get a special purpose as well... I do however want to share some of my 'brilliant' photographs with you, to prove I was really there. My camera has a very annoying delay, so most are of the backs of peoples heads and lots of arms and waists, but hey...

The great Debbie Stoller, who was presenting her latest book: Son of a Stitch 'n' Bitch (wanna wanna wanna!!!)
Tijm, wearing her prize-winning hat, posing with Jean Moss (photo:Angelique)

On the way back home. Yes, you can knit standing up ;)(photo:Angelique)
As I was thrown off course workwise as a result, I decided to make a few pictures of what I have been working on since Saturday, the sideways sock, designed by Yvon. Or, as she said it, a product of her warped brain ;) Here a piccie of all of us intently listening to Yvon and making our measurements and calculations.
I wish I had hair like her, apparently it weighs 3 kilos. Sigh.
Luckily my brain is as warped as hers, so I took on the challenge to finish them as soon as I could. I'm now halfway and it looks a bit on the big side, but we'll see how it turns out when it is done. Alterations can always be made, frogging is part of life...
A bit dark, but this is the bottom of the sock. As it is knit sideways, you continuously knit U-shape rows from cuff to cuff over the toe. In the meantime, the toe is increased and the heel decreased. From this point on, the toe will be decreased again and the heel left alone.
The toe, nice and round.
And the sock doubled over to show the decreases in the heel. It took a swatch and quite a few calculations to get to this point. I told you, a warped brain ;)
No pictures of my purchases at the SnB day yet, because I decided to use one in the Magic Sock Ball Swap and the other one may get a special purpose as well... I do however want to share some of my 'brilliant' photographs with you, to prove I was really there. My camera has a very annoying delay, so most are of the backs of peoples heads and lots of arms and waists, but hey...
The great Debbie Stoller, who was presenting her latest book: Son of a Stitch 'n' Bitch (wanna wanna wanna!!!)

On the way back home. Yes, you can knit standing up ;)(photo:Angelique)
Wat een mooie sok wordt dat zeg, de kleur van het garen werkt echt mooi om het patroon te benadrukken! Ik ben echt errug benieuwd hoe het gaat worden en hoe het aan je voet voelt.
Dat staand breien was uiteindelijk niet zo goed voor mij, mijn rug heeft het begeven na die lange dag.
Tot vanavond.