
Yesterday, when my mom picked my up to go see 'As it is in heaven' (Så som i himmelen), she brought some stuff from way back when. She is one of those people who hoard patterns, yarn, books etc., and then come out with them to surprise you at the most unexpected moments. As I was experiencing a bit of a dip yesterday, these patterns (and the movie...) really cheered me up.
She got these great Mickey, Jan Jans en de Kinderen and Jip en Janneke patterns (the last two are very Dutch) for sweaters and other embroidery. Wee H fell in love with Minnie straight away, as she would, and as we're going to a craft fair this afternoon, I'm bringing the pattern to see if I can get some nice cotton to make a sweater for her and the other little monster.

My mom also brought a booklet of standard sweater patterns (always great to have), where I noticed the pattern for a sweater I wore when I was small, haha... I'll see if I can track down a picture) and embroidery letters with little clowns, super cool for personalising towels or swaddling cloths etc.

But where she really got me, was when she pulled out embroidered 'paintings' I made when I was younger. I made LOADS, and I really mean LOADS, probably about 20 (I really liked embroidery and most of it still adorns the walls at my mom's house), and these two were taking out of their frames and stored away.
And I can remember this one too, both pictures were quite hard as there were so many shades of white and cream... We're definitely going to get some frames for them and put them in our hallway, which is nearly ready for decorating.

And the movie? Wow. If you haven't seen it (like me, despite a 10 month run here in Leeuwarden), GO AND SEE IT NOW. It's a film house movie, but should also be available in video stores.


MoniqueB. said…
Congrats on your NEW blog lay-out!
What a surprise: pink... It's lovely.
Embroidery? I did cats. Not loads, more like 5. Your work is beautifully made, i recognize them from way back.
And if you want more knitting patterns (snoopy...) maybe I've got some stowed away in the attic.

Hope you will have the time to make all of those and keep being happy.
(movie time isn't an option, I hope it will be on VPRO/tv soon).
That movie is great, it has so many layers but it's easy to watch. And I love the actors they casted, such great real people!
Jolanda said…
Prachtige nieuwe blog lay-out (nog een fan dus).
Mooi zo'n trip down memory-lane

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