Peace returning

We're only two days into our new arrangements, and I am having some trouble 'letting go', but I'm thoroughly enjoying the stricter regime. It seems that the kids are happier too. Mondays and Tuesdays, I'm downstairs in the mornings and upstairs in the afternoon. The mornings I now use to play with Sam (100% attention, as it is supposed to be) and to do housework. I now all of a sudden have 'time' to clean the cooker, dust off the telly and restock the fridge ;) On Mondays we also go swimming, which takes up most of the mornings, and this morning we took a walk out to the shops (while it was still dry) to post my Magic Sock Ball (drum roll somewhere in the Netherlands, even though mine is not going to be as luxurious as the one that was unwrapped today on the Yahoo group, me jealous!!!) and get some diapers.
Working uninterrupted I have to get used to again. I do a lot of blog reading and moving about, but today I noticed it was already better than yesterday, so we're on the up.
Big S is now downstairs with wee H and S play-doh-ing and will cook dinner. Nice. Which means I still have over an hour of uninterrupted work time. Better make use of it ;)
Tonight I'm back on the green sweater, or Lost Sweater as I want to call it, halfway the back now. It's knitting up like a dream. I'm defo going to knit a sweater for wee S out of Fabel! Cheap and super! I've got some basic patterns, so it shouldn't be difficult to get him a nice new garment for Sinterklaas... Maybe I'll knit wee H one too...

Okay, WORK!!!


MoniqueB. said…
Mag ik zeggen dat ik je erg dankbaar ben voor je stukje van van deweek? Ik ben eens na gaan denken en heb naar aanleiding daarvan besloten om te stoppen met mijn eigen bedrijf.
jij was zo dapper om goed te kijken waar je mee bezig was, en ik durfde dat (nog) niet. Nu is de kogel door de kerk en heb er ook meteen vaart achter gezet.
Het is dan ook erg fijn om te lezen dat het bij jou metéén al werkt!
Ga zo door zou ik zeggen EN dank je wel.
Ammerins said…
yeah, Monique! Ja, confronterend is het wel, maar het geeft zoveel rust...
Heb nu gewoon weer echt zin in de dag als ik wakker word!

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