Proud mummy

Today it was my turn to take wee H to the pool. First because wee H had a birthday party after swimming, which was cancelled, because of an ill birthday girl (awwwhhhh), and then because big S was too sick (poor bloke) to cycle through wind and sleet to get her there. But I was glad I went. H has now progressed to stage 3, which means she is in the DEEP pool. And by deep, I mean big human tummy depth, but for a little 4, nearly 5-year-old, it's mighty deep indeed!
She was a bit awe-struck when the group ran straight for the deep end (she missed last week's class, so wasn't prepared as well) with their floaters. But a few gulps and a kiss and hug from mummy later, she happily jumped in as if she'd never done anything else. There I was, sitting upstairs, glued to the window, waving like a lunatic and giving her the thumbs-up. She did great, I'm so proud! After X-mas, she'll be going to stage 4, if all goes to plan.

On a knitting note, I've contacted my upstream and downstream pals for the Vintage Sock Exchange now, and I'm brimming with ideas... Someone is going to get some local seasonal specialties in her package... All I need is the go-ahead on the yarn and I can start knitting.

In a bit I'm going back downstairs to my Lost sweater, which for tonight only is renamed Heroes sweater. I've a few episodes to catch up, and big S is out (still coughing like mad, but able to cycle) to see a friend, so Heroes it is...

Oops, no piccies again. Will do better in the next post. I had complaints from my mitten exchange pal that I was teasing her by posting the project on Ravelry without pictures (hahaha), so tomorrow I'll give a little teaser...


Jolanda said…
So nice to see the development of their swimming! It can make you so proud.
I'm very curious about your socke, so...... pictures please! (i'm not nosey, just very interested)
MoniqueB. said…
You Go Girl, little H! Well done.
Get well soon Big S.
And knit the night away, Frilly Girl...

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