Rip rip.... rip

The same problem she had with her pinwheel, I have with my green sweater. It's o so cuddly, but waaaaaaay too big. So, back to the drawing board. I decided to rip while knitting it up again with a needle a size smaller, changing the positive ease into a bit of negative easy, I hope, to show off my gorgeous svelte figure ;)
But guess what: I don't have size 6 needles! Drama... Only dpns (yep, big ugly, white plastic ones...) and I have to say, knitting a sweater with dpns is not a good idea ;) My armpits and the stitches started complaining after only a few rows. So, to tide me over, I knit Saartjes booties as a surprise gift for someone pregnant, started on my socks for the Vintage Sock Exchange, finished my mittens for the mitten exchange (yep, teaser to come as soon as I can find batteries for my camera, grrr), did some more scrapbooking and finished watching Lost season 2. Season 3 is already lying next to the tv, so as soon as I get proper size 6 needles, I can start on the green sweater all over again...
I also got some cool old magazines from my mom this weekend. Will photograph/scan them later this week to show you some 'golden oldies' we knit in the eighties/early nineties (be prepared to be horrified).


MoniqueB. said…
Ik heb onlang voor een laag prijsje dikke breinaalden gehaald bij de Zeeman. Effe opletten dat het doppie er niet af donderd, maar voor de rest gaat het prima. Ik heb ook dikke plastice witte breinaalden maar die hebben een zéér stompe punt. Dat breit niet lekker.
Zit je vrijdag niet voor de seizoensfinale van Lost? Ik kijk het zelden hoor, maar als het voor jou lekker weg breit...

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