Christmas knitting

Hope you all had a great Xmas. It was all nice and cosy here, and I got lots of knitting done in between coffee, cake, dinner and wine. Here some pictures of my progress over the holidays.
First, I decided to finally use up those balls of wool which Lucie sent me for the last magic ball exchange and which had been calling to me from my yarn drawer. A lovely handspun (and hand-dyed?) yarn with charcoal, green and blue, which within a few hours became this (tea light for size reference):
Our littlest one now has 'grown-up' socks as well! I think they look ever so cute. Whenever he is wearing them, he walks very carefully, because mama-knit does feel a bit different on your footsies than socks from the shop. Here they are in action, took me quite a few attempts to get a few good shots of socks on feet in shoes (and don't worry, no kids were harmed in the making of this photo, I had him on my lap, with his feet on the table, took a picture and upside-downed it...):

I also finished knitting my socks for the NB Vintage Sock Swap. They are knit from a lovely Jitterbug, which I at first thought was a bit too thick, but it knit up so nice and quick and I ended up with lovely stretchy socks, warm despite the pattern with quite a few holes. I hope Ruth (yeah, it was me, but I guess you already knew that after receiving emails from a 'mystery' address which daftly puts your real name in it too, GRRRR) will like them. They will be posted with some gifts tomorrow. I have no sock blockers, so this picture will have to make do...
But just look at how yummy this yarn looks and feels:

And then, my Jeanie! I'm at 2.5 repeats now, about 20 cms, and I have to alternate between socks and this to keep my brain active. It's a lovely knit, the yarn is great (Malabrigo lace weight, Azul Profundo, from Wolhemel), but it is so - bo - ring. Once you get how it works, you don't need the pattern anymore and you can just knit and knit and knit. I do half a repeat, knit a sock, another half repeat etc. Just to keep myself on my toes ;) Next week I'll be in the TV studio, trying to win a lot of money, which means lots of waiting and hanging about, so I'll have this with me to keep me occupied.
But, anyway, I'll not moan anymore (despite it being a repetitive knit, I did manage to make some booboos), but just show you where I'm at:
And a bit more up close to see how nice and shiny this yarn is. I'm already a big fan of Malabrigo and can't wait until the sock yarn will be making the journey from South America to the Netherlands. O, by the way, Wolhemel will be officially opening its doors on January 18 in Groningen. Check their site for more details!

Santa also brought me my mittens from America! Yeah!!! Thank you Meg for knitting these Fetchings for me! I've decided these are my car mittens, cause their ideal for driving in these parts of the world at the moment! I also love the little mitts you made for wee S. Wee H was very jealous, so I'm now making her some socks and then will cast on some mittens as well, haha... The soap looks so nice, I hardly dare touch it... It's still on show now, out of reach of dirty little baby hands... Thanks again!

And to finish off a picture of our dessert yesterday. Chocolate fondue. Yum. Heaven. A great ending to a great day...


lucie said…
O wat zijn die sokjes leuk geworden!
maar het is geen handgesponnen wol hoor, gewone ordinaire noorse sokkenwol, maar wél zelfgeverfd!!

groetjes Lucie
Tijm said…
Zo lief die leuke kleine beentjes ion die echte sokken! En wat wordt die sjaal geweldig en dan ook nog van Malabrigo, jee je huldt je dan zalig in zachtheid!
Wat heb je een leuke kerst gehad, nu nog een gezellig oud en nieuw en je kunt er weer tegen aan........het nieuwe jaar.
Leuk allemaal! Jeanie ziet er wel mooi uit zo, heb blauw lijkt heel licht op de foto. En lieve kinderwantjes bij de fetchings. En fijn dat de sokken toch gelukt zijn.
MoniqueB. said…
Over de malabrigo ben ik het met je eens. Prachtig. En eh... als je het patroon in de gaten hebt, brei je wel 'makkelijker' vind ik.
De sokjes voor je zoon zijn prachtig. Die kinderen van mij gebruiken ze altijd om te glijen op 't laminaat!
En nog leuke handschoenen erbij. Moest je ook een paar breien voor iemand anders?
Alice said…
Hee, zie ik dat goed? Zijn dat de Fancy Silk Socks? Prachtig geworden, mooi garen heb je ervoor gebruikt. En sokken gebreid met Jitterbug, zitten heerlijk!
RooKnits said…
My socks are perfect and I love them. Thank you
Photocat said…
Hallo Ammerins... een berichtje uit Engeland. Ik ben belg en wil graag een paar mutskes breien met noors patroon. Ik kan breien op nederlandstalige patronen, maar versta de engelse patronen niet.
Zou jij me toevallig kunnen op weg zetten naar een nederlandstalige site met baby mutskes in noorse patronen?
Ik zou u zeer dankbaar zijn...
Catherine in North Yorkshire

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