Snow makes the post go faster

Wow, that was fast! Just when we were finishing up dinner, a nice lady rang the doorbell. No, no collection box for this or that charity, but a package! For me! With socks! Wow, thanks Becky!

This is what I got from my Nancy Bush Sock Exchange pal:

Don't they look great? And they fit nice too, look: Apart from my socks, in the Shell pattern, a nice warm pink, I also got lovely Dove chocolates with caramel (hmmm, bag is nearly empty), some Lubriderm skin cream with shea and cocoa butter (yum, but not for eating) and three Brittany cable needles. Now I have to find an outfit to go with my new socks tomorrow...

Thanks again, Becky!


Alice said…
Wow, they look great!! I'm still knitting for my partner, about to turn the heel (two socks at a time).

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