The Ultimate Gift

Once in a while you find something you don't really know you're looking for... I was drawn to the Knitting Daily free pattern section today, for unknown reasons and there I saw this:
The Ultimate gift. Although in jest, big S had been hassling me for a sweater, and bingo! I found it! I knit him a proper Aran in the early days of our 'courtship', some 10 years ago, and he still treasures that sweater. He's looked after it better than his shoes, which says a lot. So I guess he deserves a nice new one. At least I now have something in mind when I go yarn shopping in Zwolle in two weeks time. Eeeeeks! Two weeks! Still don't know whether I'll go on the Friday or Saturday... But first, plan what yarn I'm going to use for it. It calls for Filatura di Crosa/Stacey Charles Cashmere, which I've never heard of. I'll have a look around for a nice substitute cashmere-y yarn with the same guage (141m/50g). Fellow knitters, any idea?

And I also like the Norwegian socks! I'm afraid the Fruit Baskets are going to join the frog pond. In the battle between Jeanie and the socks, they keep losing (unlike Payton's brother Eli, which means there IS a Manning in the next Playoff Round, yippeeee!). I find the pattern a bit too easy, and because I like to class myself as a technical knitter (I'm a translator, but mathematician and computer wizz/nerd at heart), not really my cup of tea. I think some intarsia will do the trick to keep my brain occupied. I have plenty of (off)white sock yarn and a contrasting colour should not be a problem either... I feel another project on the needles coming up...

Jeanie is getting along slowly but surely. Last night, while watching Janice Dickinson's show on tv (she's such a laugh!), I noticed I had switched the back and front rows round, which meant I had to rip back about 10 rounds. Oops... Still, no (wo)man overboard. The end of the first skein is in sight!

Hannah's socks are also finished. And guess what, she managed to get a hole in them BEFORE they were done! She was allowed to help me cut the straggly bits of yarn and prestoooo, just nipped a stitch. Luckily my seaming skills haven't left my yet, so I managed to repare the hole (wiping my forehead here). She loves them! I'll take a picture of her sliding across our stone floor as soon as I can locate our camera. It's hiding again. Does it want a raise or something?


Tijm said…
Wat ben je toch een duizendpoot!!
Mooie trui en leuk daar garen voor te kopen.
Ben benieuwd of ik je vrijdag 1 fev. tegen kom.
Unknown said…
Mooie klassieke trui. Tja vervanggaren... lastige dikte. Misschien cashsoft van Rowan?
MoniqueB. said…
Nou, weer lekker op gang zo te lezen. Ik hoop dat je zaterdag kan/gaat naar Zwolle, ik ga dan wel. Vrijdag is het te druk bij ons.
Die trui voor je man ziet er (alvast) geweldig uit. Ga je 'm ook in die kleur breien?
Jeanie heeft je zo betoverd, dat je er even van af was.

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