A head full of ideas

What a change a few skeins of wool can make!
I have now got 4 projects on the needles:
- Pomatomus socks (Fortissima)
- Anastacia socks (Yvons yarn)
- Monkey socks (Araucania)
- and my Jeanie ;) (Malabrigo)

My plan is to do a repeat of something and then switch over to the next project. I've reached the heel now with the Pomatomus (my first ever patterned sock I tried to knit and horribly failed to understand, but I've got it now!), am halfway the foot with Anastacia (easyyyyy, once I got past the toe, and I actually like knitting with bamboo needles) and the Monkeys (I LOVE THIS YARN!) are 2 repeats gone. No more socks, because all my 2,5 circs are in use.

Tonight, if I dare go outside, I am probably going to measure up and cut the material for new seat cushions on the bike for the wee ones, plus a new screen. I feel inspired! My bag with projects to show tomorrow at SnB will be overflowing...


MoniqueB. said…
My head's full of ideas too! I've started 3 projects just this week!

I'll see you tonight!

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