
Thanks for the compassion re. wee S's poxies. Luckily, he behaves as if nothing is wrong. He just looks awful! Especially since this morning, when he decided to hit his head on the rabbit cage. Ouch... So not only a poxy face, but also a huge bump right next to his eye. No itching yet, but the calendula is a good tip to prevent scarring. We don't want that.
And no, they don't do pox jabs here. They jab you for everything else, but not chicken pox. It is quite a harmless disease, and the earlier (after age 1) you get it, the better. We're still not sure whether wee H ever had them, cause she was exposed loads of times, but never had marks. Well, proof will be in the pudding in a few weeks time...

Haha, and the shoes... Mmm, was thinking of returning them, because even with shining them, after a few meetings with salt (because of snow), they lost a bit of their lustre... Will try harder, and I can also put some real black dye polish on them...


MoniqueB. said…
Misschien kan de schoenmaker wat voor je doen?

oh ja, sockwars 3 komt er aan....
Ammerins said…
Ik zag het! Laat het dit keer toch even aan me voorbij gaan. De Amerikanen zijn altijd in het voordeel vind ik, het ging nog door toen ik mijn sokken al bijna had versleten.. ;)
MoniqueB. said…
José doet ook al niet meer mee.... blijven er nog maar een paar over, tenzij er zich nieuwen aan melden.
Montreal Mama said…
My mother had 3 kids with the Chicken pox at the same time and that same week we moved houses! What a mess! Now, for my son, he will be vaccinated against the chicken pox - apparently it's new?!

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