My left eye

Ouch, that hurts. Since two days, I've had a wee eye infection. Nothing to worry about, but it does mean wearing lenses is a bit of a no-go and because my glasses are gazillions of years old and are not the right strength, everything around me looks a bit blurry. And yes, my dad is the milkman. Haha, that's what they say here if your eyes have a bit of a different colour in it. Both my parents have/had blue/green eyes, so who knows where that bit of brown came from...
Despite this, I did manage to get stuck into my Jacobeans for the SKP 2008 and finished them last night. Hooray! I also finished my sideways socks. Hooray! They did end up being a tad too big, but I got a great tip from Simone to just wash them in the machine and felt them a bit. It is BFL, so I guess it will work (I can hear Yvon gasp on the other side of the country. Breathe, girl... I won't do it again, I'll measure PROPERLY next time, promise!).

Pattern: Jacobean, Sock Knitting Pentathlon 2008, sock nr. 1
Yarn: Sockina, brown
Needles: 2.5 mm metal circs
Specs: toe-up and with short-row heel

Pattern: Sideways sock, Yvon, Storm op Zolder
Yarn: BFL Berkenblad, Storm op Zolder
Needles: 2.5 mm bamboo circs
Specs: knit sideways with the use of mathematical wizardry and a lot of seaming

My other socks are also progressing well. My monkeys are past the heel, so only the feet to do:

And my first Pomatomus is done:

Last night we had an exiting SnB night. A few weeks ago our regional newspaper, the Leeuwarder Courant, featured an interview with an old lady who was complaining that today's young gals didn't knit anymore. Oops. Right. Wrooooong! So we ganged up and invited both the old lady and the newspaper to come along to one of our nights and see what we're up to. We were all packing our socks, mittens, scarves, hats and sweaters in our ginormous suitcases when the bomb was dropped. The newspaper wasn't coming. A few flame mails later we got a sincere apology (still a bit vague, something about an earlier article on SnB two years ago, so it was a bit too soon in their eyes, right...), but we had already called and mailed the local radio station, Omrop Fryslan, who immediately dispatched a really nice reporter, who came along and listened and watched and shoved her microphone in everyone's faces. Fun! I had the honour to present the old lady with loads of nice yarn from Angelique's shop and from Giftig, and will probably be stuttering on the radio next Sunday. I'll tape it and post it here. Pictures can be found on Lida's site: I'm here and there and from picture 44 onward.

Now I'm here, in my new office. I'm so happy:

See you later!


Montreal Mama said…
The Pomatomus looks great! I love your Monkeys too - are you doing No Purl Monkeys or the "real" way?
Tijm said…
AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh das schrikken bij het openmaken vna je blog! Je enge oog!!!
Prachtig projecten heb je zeg!! Wederom: waar haal je de tijd vandaan??

En wat een leuk stukje over de SnB avond. Wat was het leuk hé!!!
Ammerins said…
These are proper Monkeys. Me and Purls are friends now, haha... I did think of just knitting them, but then again, they wouldn't be real Monkeys, would they? Have you ever knit with Araucania? It's so yummy!

Tijm, ja errug he... haha... Is alweer een stuk beter, gelukkig! Tijd, ach, ik kan gewoon heeeeeel snel breien, en slaap, wie heeft er nou slaap nodig... En schoonmaken, pfff, ook niet nodig hoor, het wordt hier toch zo weer vies...
Wow onze sokkenkoningin. Heerlijke foto zo hoor, pff ik hoop dat het snel over is.
Lieke said…
Heel veel beterschap met je oog.

Enneh, dat arme vrouwtje krijgt volgens mij de cultuurschok van haar leven om zoveel jonge mensen te zien breien.
MoniqueB. said…
Wat werk je hard! In eens zijn er een boel sokken af. Die Pomatomus is super en je sideways sokken ook. De kleur is geweldig, past goed bij de techniek.
Dat zere oog; 'past' goed bij mijn kiespijn. Allebei erg ongemakkelijk. Dikke knuf en hopelijk is het gauw voorbij.

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