
Inspired by Robyn, I am going to slow down this month. The fact that we saved 140 Euros on fixing the dish washer thanks to a nice mechanic (we were 2 weeks over the 2 year guarantee, but who knows what it was, my red eye or my short skirt? no need to pay!) made me think about how much money goes out here every month. It is quite shocking. And I don't mean just on knitting, no on everything (yarn is actually one of the things I do not spend that much money on, to be honest, really... personally, I think it is disgraceful how much money we spend a month just on insurance - house, income, healthcare, car, travel, 3rd party, bla bla).
So, I also went round the house hunting for 10 things I bought/received last year (yes, that's 2007) and never got around using. Some stand for multiple items, and this is only a small selection. I was actually quite shocked!

1. A pink bra. Yes. I bought two (the other one was grey) and have not yet worn this one. The reason is that the strap was not sewn on properly and I was meant to bring it back, but you guessed it. Forgot, lost the receipt (they're really strict here when it comes to receipts), bla bla. So, it's going on my mend list and will be worn soon! I promise! It is a nice bra!
2. The Knitter's Bible: Knitted Accessoires. *blush* Had it for X-mas. Loved it. But how come it was stowed away in a box? Hmmm... Will select a project this month and knit it (after finishing what I have on the needles now).
3. Mud Pack. I have several of these. Since becoming a mommy, I seem to have forgotten what 'pampering' means. Have to do it more often. Will use next time I take a bath. Same applies to bath bombs and fizzies.
4. Photo frame. Another X-mas gift. I already found a cool photograph and now I have a proper desk slash office, I have a place to put it!
5. Bar of soap. See 3.
6. Bakbijbel. Book on baking. I LOVE baking. See 3, change pampering to cooking. Proper cooking. Not chucking stuff in a pan and adding a ready-mix.
7. Hair dye. I have two more, blond and black. But I think this is the one that has the biggest chance of being used soon. Why on earth I ever bought black hair dye is anyone's guess.
8. Book. This is one of the EIGHT copies I got of a book I translated. Suffice to say I don't need eight. Will be Ebayed or given away, together with several other items. (Anyone interested in a Dutch Warcraft novel? Let me know!)
9. Fabric for wee H. I've had these since the Summer. I'm already on the look-out for a fitting pattern and will sow her a dress soon.
10. Fabric for wee S. Even worse: I've had these since - before - S - was - born. Enough to make several tops, diapers and whatevers. Shocking. Need I say more.

I know 9 and 10 are sort of the same, but as they will be for different projects, I think I was allowed to split them up. No yarn photographed. No cans of food photographed. Or ready-mixes. That would have been too easy. Inspired? Go give it a go and let me know! I'm so curious to see what other people have hidden away in boxes/drawers/under the bed.


Montreal Mama said…
Glad you're participating in a slow month!

Thanks for posting your 10 items, I will count this as a contest entry, just come by my blog and link it so I have the link saved as an entry.
Tijm said…
Ik heb me aangeleerd (in de loop der jaren, hoe ouder hoe wijzer moet je maar denken) om als ik iets wil kopen, dit niet meteen te doen maar dit een paar dagen uit te stellen (behalve eten natuurlijk, dat zou niet best zijn) en dan nogmaals te bekijken of ik/we het echt nodig hebben. Dit voorkomt veel impulsaankopen en verstopte kasten en bedden.
Verder scheelt het dat we niet materialistisch ingesteld zijn en snel tevreden zijn.
Heb ik veel gehad aan het consuminderen. Echt, daar vindt je tips die allerlei kleine besparingen opleveren, maar dat allemaal samen maakt een mooi bedrag!!!
MoniqueB. said…
De vorige keer heb ik naar je geluisterd, en taking it slow is een goed idee. Ik zag je nieuwe werkplek! Dat ziet er goed uit.

Ik ben erg impulsief, dus ik heb zeker onnodige aankopen gedaan. Zo heb ik inderdaad ook nog lappen stof van jaren oud. Dus ik probeer me in te houden.

Jij doet het goed, je bent eerlijk! Ga zo door.
Het is en blijft herkenbaar. Spullen die je makkelijk teveel koopt goed organiseren helpt mij wel wat. Sinds vorig jaar kan ik een een oogopslag zien welke haarverf ik nog heb (combineer vaak 2-3 kleuren of beetjes daarvan) en dat helpt zo ontzettend. Maar het blijft erg hoeveel we hebben, uitgeven, niet gebruiken...

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