Wet monkeys

What happens when you put your Araucania monkeys in the washing machine? Hmm, you guessed it, you need to chop off half your feet to fit in them...

:( Not happy. Please remind me only to knit socks from superwash from now on... :(

On a happier note: Happy Easter! We went to church this morning and then went to my mother for a big family meal. It was great. Wee S was asleep in the car within 2 minutes, despite the huge snow storm. After only a few miles all the snow was gone, just a drizzle left. So no snow men to be made here, I'm afraid... But you never know, maybe we'll get a snow shower later on.

I started Isabella and made some baby thingies, but have told myself that I really, really, really have to get Jeanie finished... We're going to do some reorganising in the attic tonight (after 4.5 hours big S finally got a set of IKEA Gorm shelves together, LOL, you will understand why I stayed out of his way and just laughed when I show you how big they are... Men and DIY...), and after back to Jeanie. With this weather, brrr, I can really use her (and some decent boots and loads of chocolate...)!


Tijm said…
Leuke dagen zo te lezen tot nu toe!
Nu (maandagmorgen 07.38) is het wit buiten. Dus toch maar even een sneeuwpop maken??
MoniqueB. said…
Lekker gegeten dus. Nou, dank voor de tip; ik heb araucania voor de Mystic Light Shawl. Die mag ik dus wel op de hand gaan wassen..
Welke kleur had je?
Tja, je verwacht niet echt meer zulk winters weer in Maart. Gauw de Jeannie afmaken. Hoe ver moet je nog?
Oh wat jammer van de sokken! Ik zou met dit weer Jeanie voorrang geven op Isabella, hoewel het een leuk shirtje is.
Jolanda said…
Tja, maart roert zijn staart.
Irma said…
Oh wat erg van die sokken!

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