Made it!

I'm enjoying a little mindless surfing and blogging, after pulling the two longest working days ever. Started on Tuesday morning with the realisation I had LOST ALL MY WORK FROM MONDAY, interrupted by a bikeride to the pool to cool down and regroup and an unexpected visit to the hospital, but then solid work until about 1.30 AM. Again yesterday, started after dropping the kids of, at 8.45, and finished at 2.30 AM. Let me tell you, I'm not going to do that again. I did a bit of a twirl in my office chair when I pressed the Send button...

I love my job, but when something goes wrong computer-wise, the fact that it's your own business and you work from home can really come back and bit you in the bum. O yeah, and having a memory stick, but not saving your stuff on it... :(

I finished the last row of Mystic Light clue 2 (here's the right half on the photo) this morning, printed out clue 3 and tonight, after a loooooooooooooong bath, I am just going to sit on the sofa and knit. O yeah. And watch some of the shows I missed (luckily we have Tevo/UPC On Demand with DVD recorder, so I've got some stash...). If anyone tells me who left the Apprentice, I am going to be seriously pissed off though... ;)

Hannah is a bit better. How do you dress a child with a cast from fingers to armpit? A real problem! Just moving her arm the tiniest bit, hurts. I'm going to rummage round in her wardrobe and see if she's got any bigger sizes (we love sharing clothes a lot here) that might fit over her cast.


MoniqueB. said…
Zo he, dat was hard werken zo te lezen. Knap van je. Kon je je wel goed concentreren? het vreugde rondje kan ik me dan voorstellen!

Heb je al de uitslag van H's foto's of het echt gebroken is? Dikke knuf.

Je Mystic light wordt wel mooi zeg!
Het patroon is nog niet zo groot als ik had verwacht, trouwens. Maar mooi wordt het wel!
Jolanda said…
Ik zal niets verklappen.
Voelt Hannah zich al weer wat beter?

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