Berlin Wall

I can't think of a title more appropriate than this one! Here's my Berlin socks:

See a few blogs back for specs... I'm very happy with them, even though it is not really sock weather here! (After a few days of high 20s, we are at 22C today.)

And here is my wall:

Please ignore the banisters... Just look at the wall. I made that! With big S of course. We also had to do the ceiling, which was not a nice thing I can tell you in the heat we were having, even with the air cooler... Today we put the lights up over the door (halogen), fixed the door frame (ish) and big S is in the process of tacking the laminate down at the stair end (although I can hear him groan, so I assume it's not really going the way he wants it to, oops - o, latest news, crisis averted). Final touches time! Things like plints, hinges for our 'hinding spaces'and then a clear-up. The book cases are in already and one is fully dedicated to eBay/Marktplaats. We have so much * * * * that we need to get rid of, we decided to make a bit of money of it in the process.
If anyone wants a Playstation (1), XBox (not 360) or crosstrainer, let me know... And we have loads of books. Loads. Really. Loads. Anyone?????


MoniqueB. said…
The Berlin wall has fallen. A local wall has been build in L. The proud owner and builder is called Frisian Frillies. Of course, the wall is pink, just like her knitting. Is her husband aware of that?
The socks are a good reminder of this building time and result: they are pink too!
Compliments to the woman, the mom, the knitster, the builder. Well done.
BTW: my socks are done too. In blue...
Jolanda said…
Pink lady strikes again! Prachtige kleur muur.

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