From yarn to yard

Well, not just a yard, but a garden. A real garden, with vegetables in it. (What we have at home is just a bit of grass, some paving and some flowers...) Three of the knitsters in my SnB group have a veggie patch, and as I was interested in getting one too, I went along with Tijm today to have a look at hers and the options available there. Wow. I want. I want. I want!!!
How cool is that! It's going to be hard work, but sooooo worth it! I'm making an appointment with the garden manager, hopefully for the weekend, so I can show big S and wee H what plots would be available and what would be suitable for us. At least now we know what we're going to do during the long Summer when wee H is off school. She can have her own wee plot for strawberries and sunflowers, peas and carrots. I can grow tons of pink flowers, and Steve can grow muscles ;)

And we got a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yesterday... Well, we 'almost' paid for it with all the stuff we got on sale on the Internet... Almost ;)


Montreal Mama said…
I love bowling on the Wii. So much fun! You'll enjoy your Wii!

You should go for it and get a veggie garden! I love my veggie garden! I can't wait to get veggies from it!

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